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Helping local kids to put their best foot forward

Newcastle Family & Sport Podiatry is going to great lengths to help treat foot and lower limb conditions for children in local communities by providing free education and screening sessions for participating schools and preschools.

Principal Podiatrist, Adam Glascock along with fellow paediatric podiatrist Paul Mountford are currently speaking at preschools in the hunter region and beyond into areas including Merriwa and Coffs Harbour. Here they are educating parents and early childhood staff about lower limb conditions in children and best practice management. 

The team comprising of six podiatrists at Newcastle Family & Sport Podiatry understand what should be occurring with children’s feet and lower limbs at various ages and the importance of monitoring this correctly. Glascock explains “whilst ‘growing pains’ has been a term widely used to define complaints, there are often underlying causes”.  “When addressed this can result in the cessation of pain, along with no late nights rubbing legs and preparing hot packs” says Glascock. 

Hip, knee, foot and ankle pain in children is not a simple problem to solve without the right assessment. For school staff and parents, it is important to understand what should be occurring with children’s feet and lower limbs at various ages. Glascock explains that “Children’s growing legs go through several changes in their early years, so understanding and ensuring that this is occurring at the right time and within the normal limits is vitally important to appropriate growth and function”

Newcastle Family & Sport Podiatry are providing free education sessions and screenings and welcome expressions of interest from schools and preschools. The team is more than happy to schedule an education evening in your facility with your staff and parents.  This is then followed up with a free screening day with children and parents present to identify those children who may need further assessment, therefore helping to ensure happy, pain-free children.

Expressions of interest

Would your school or preschool be interested in a free education session and screening from a highly qualified and experienced podiatrist?

Call Newcastle Family & Sport Podiatry on 02 4961 4411 or email

51 Denison Street Hamilton,

Newcastle NSW Australia 2303

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