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Podiatrists and Diabetes – The Relationship Explained

We all know that diabetes places the feet at risk, but why? It is because diabetes and its risk factors have the potential to reduce blood flow and diminish feeling in the feet. Why is this a problem? Well, diminished sensation creates the concerning risk that an injury that breaches the skin may not be detected and may simply worsen. Then if there isn’t adequate blood flow to fight a potential infection or heal the injury, there can be serious trouble.

How can a podiatrist help with blood flow or sensation?

Podiatrists are able to check blood flow, looking at how successfully blood is getting to the feet and toes. We do this by assessing the pulses and comparing the blood pressure at the toe (toe pressure) to the blood pressure in the arm (brachial pressure). Sensation is checked using strength assessments, vibration measures and touch tools. It is important that these assessments are carried out in diabetic patients regularly to monitor change so we can arrange further investigations if required. All results are passed on to our patients’ GPs as well as discussed during the consultation. Advice on how to minimise risks is provided, depending on the outcomes of the assessment.

How else can a podiatrist help me?

Simply walking has the potential to cause a larger problem if there is diminished sensation in the feet. Footwear, or even pressure from the ground, can cause the smallest blister or callous, which can then snowball into a much bigger problem if not addressed appropriately. It is important that the foot structure is supported, and high pressure areas are offloaded to reduce the risk of these issues arising. Orthotics are an effective tool to support the foot and redistribute pressure if required. Supporting patients to select activity and foot type specific footwear can further assist in reducing these risks. Highly aggressive, debilitating foot complications, such as Charcot neuroarthropathy must be detected early, managed and treated with the assistance of your podiatrist.

All diabetics really need to have an ongoing relationship with a skilled, knowledgeable podiatrist from the moment they are diagnosed. It is a relationship that will better support an individual with diabetes to continue to enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle.

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